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Media | Rancho Bernardo Historical Society

Photo Galleries

Photos from 2024 Pancake Festival at Webb Lake Park

Posted (5-27-2024)

We held our 17th Annual Pancake Festival on Memorial Day, May 27,2024. Please click on the image below to view photos from the event.

Photos from 2023 Pancake Festival at Webb Lake Park

Posted (5-29-2023)

After two years we held our 15th Annual Pancake Festival on Memorial Day, May 30,2022. Please click on the image below to view a slide show of the photos from the event.

Photos from 2022 Pancake Festival at Webb Lake Park

Posted (5-30-2022)

After two years we held our 15th Annual Pancake Festival on Memorial Day, May 30,2022. Please click on the image below to view a slide show of the photos from the event.

Photos from 2019 Pancake Festival at Webb Lake Park

Posted (5-29-2019)

We held our 14th Annual Pancake Festival on Memorial Day, May 27. Please click on any image to view a slide show of the photos from the event.

Photos from 2018 Pancake Festival at Webb Lake Park

Posted (5-29-2018)

We held our 13th Annual Pancake Festival on Memorial Day, May 28. Please click on any image to view a slide show of the photos from the event. For videos of the event. Click Here

Photos from Historic Holiday Nights at the Museum

Posted (12-30-2017)

The RB History Museum treated visitors to entertainment and refreshments during the Holiday Nights event at the Bernardo Winery from December 18 – 23, 2018. The photos below were taken by one of our Board members. For videos of the events Click Here