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About Us | Rancho Bernardo Historical Society

Mission Statement

The Rancho Bernardo Historical Society is a non-profit organization, dedicated to preserving the local history and increasing public awareness through programs and outreach. As a non-profit we depend on the community to help us accomplish our mission: volunteers, donations and contributions, memberships, and gifts to our collections. The Rancho Bernardo Historical Society serves Rancho Bernardo, a community with a population of over 65,000 within the San Diego region.

501(c)(3) Non-Profit Legal Statement

The Rancho Bernardo Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID No. 33-0269787

For More Information

For more information about the society and programs please have a look at our Information Brochure.
Link: Rancho Bernardo Historical Society Brochure